Pine Hill


Property Details

ID: 65042
Status: Available
Price: $212,000
Acres: 18.9
Price Per Acre: $11,217
Type: Hunting Land, Recreational Land
Address: 1885 HWY 29 NORTH
City, State: Danielsville, Georgia
County: Madison
Zip Code: 30633
Presented By: Jesse Johnson


Pine Hill is a +/- 18.9 Acre Tract located 1.5 miles north of Danielsville, GA. This property is ideal for the individual or family looking for quiet and convenience.  There is a beautiful hardwood lined creek flowing through the center of the property. Pine Hill is less than a 30-minutes’ drive to Athens, Commerce, and I-85 (Tanger Outlet Mall).  The future owner will be able to enjoy all the benefits of country/rural living with only a short drive to UGA and I-85. A private drive provides access from US Hwy 29.  

The property is identified as Madison County Tax Map/Parcel: 0053 101 E

 Zoning: A1

Conservation Use: property is enrolled in CUVA, permits the building on home and barns.

Directions from the square in Danielsville: Go north on US Hwy 29 for 1.5 miles, look fo directional sign on the left. Access road is adjacent to address: 1885 US Hwy 29 North. The tract is located .2 miles down a private drive, which is a deeded 40ft easement.  There is a JLG for sale sign on the property. If you pass Wildcat Bridge Rd, you have gone too far.

Contact Jesse Johnson 706-614-4855 to learn more about this property.

Additional Details

Additional Info

Wildlife: Whitetail Deer
Recreation: Hunting
Water Access: Creek
Rights: Mineral
Improvements: Shed
Jesse Johnson
Jesse Johnson

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